User Manual

1 Description

Cosma is a visualization tool for knowledge workers. It reads plain text files with [[wiki links]] and renders them as an interactive network of index cards.

Cosma works with configuration files written in YAML. Each configuration file specifies a data source to be used, as well as various parameters that govern the behavior of Cosma for this data source.

Two approaches can be taken regarding configuration files:

The first approach is to run cosma in a directory where a configuration file is located. This is called a local configuration file. Local configuration files must always be named config.yml.

The other approach is to run cosma with the --project <name> option, where <name> is the name of a configuration file found in a special folder, the user data directory. This is called a global configuration file, or project. This file can be named freely (e.g. foo.yml). With this second approach, the cosma command can be run from any location.

The local approach is useful for automation and reproducibility in a context of shared or distributed work on several machines. It allows the simultaneous transmission of data, configuration and operating instructions (commands), bundled and useable as is, without any additional parameterization required from the recipient (human or machine).

Conversely, the global approach is useful for prolonged use of the software by an individual on a single machine.

2 The cosma command

The cosma command can be used in three ways:

  1. cosma displays general help ;
  2. cosma <option> executes a general option;
  3. cosma <command> <options> executes one of Cosma’s five commands (config, record, autorecord, batch and modelize), with one or more specific options.

The five commands exist in long and short versions (e.g. cosma config or cosma c). Some options also have a short version (e.g. cosma config --global or cosma config -g). In both cases, the long and short versions are functionally identical; the short version is simply used to save time when used repeatedly over short periods of time.

The following subsections present the general options.

2.1 Create the user data directory

cosma --create-user-data-dir

This command creates a user data directory named cosma-cli at a location that complies with the XDG Base Directory specification. The exact location depends on each operating system and may vary from version to version of the same system.

If the user data directory already exists, the command simply displays its location.

2.2 Show projects

cosma --list-projects

This command lists the configuration files in the user data directory (projects).

2.3 Show version number

cosma --version
cosma -V

NB: this is the only option for which the short form uses a capital letter. This is a default setting from the library we use to define commands.

2.4 Show help

Cosma has a general help:

cosma --help
cosma -h

Context-sensitive help is also available for the five Cosma commands. Add the -h/--help flag to any of these commands to display the contextual help.


cosma config --help

3 Configuration

3.1 Create a configuration file

cosma config
cosma c

This command creates a config.yml file in the current directory.

3.2 Create a global configuration file (project)

cosma config --global <name>
cosma c -g <name>

The -g/--global option followed by a name creates a name.yml file in the user data directory.

3.3 Create a default configuration file

cosma config --global
cosma c -g

When not followed by a name, the -g/--global option creates a defaults.yml file in the user data directory.

When you create a new configuration file with the cosma config command, Cosma checks if the defaults.yml file exists. If so, it copies the settings from defaults.yml and applies them to the newly created configuration. This allows you to reuse settings that are common to all of your projects.

For example, if you always use the same bibliographic data, node label size and graph background color, then you can set up defaults.yml like this:

graph_text_size: 5
graph_background_color: "#f3f6f4"
bibliography: /path/to/references.json

All new configurations will inherit these values.

3.4 Configuration parameters

Below is a list of the parameters used by Cosma. If a parameter is missing from a configuration file, Cosma considers it to have its default value.

The “undefined” record and link types are required for the program to work. If you delete them from a configuration file, Cosma will automatically reinsert them the next time you use the file.

name description possible values default value
select_origin Data source type directory (directory of text files), csv (tabular data, local files) or online (tabular data, online files) directory
files_origin Location of files for data source type directory path (directory)
nodes_origin Location of nodes for data source type csv path (CSV file)
links_origin Location of links for data source type csv path (CSV file)
nodes_online Location of nodes for data source type online URL (CSV file)
links_online Location of links for data source type online URL (CSV file)
images_origin Location of images used in the cosmoscope path (directory)
export_target Location to be used for exports path (directory)
history Copy each cosmoscope generated via Cosma to a history folder true or false true
focus_max Maximum distance to selected node in focus mode integer 2
record_types List of entity types list
entity type string
fill Node type fill color HTML color
stroke Node type outline color (used when the node is filled with an image) HTML color
link_types List of link types list
link type string
stroke Link type stroke style single (solid line), dash (dashed line), dash (dotted line), double (two parallel lines)
color Link type color HTML color
references_as_nodes Treat references as graph nodes when using cosma modelize --citeproc true or false false
references_type_label Name of the record type for bibliographic references when references_as_nodes: true string
record_filters List of metadata filters
metadata filter Entities for which this metadata is present will be excluded when creating a cosmoscope type, keyword, metadata declared in record_metas
graph_background_color Color used in the background of the graph HTML color
graph_highlight_color Color used when hovering and selecting nodes HTML color
graph_highlight_on_hover Apply highlighting when hovering and selecting nodes true or false true
graph_text_size Node label size Integer betwen 2-15 10
graph_arrows Show directional arrows on links true or false true
node_size_method Node sizing method degree (size proportional to degree) or unique (fixed size) degree
node_size Node size (when using fixed size) Integer between 2 and 20 10
node_size_max Maximum node size (when using proportional size) Integer from 2 to 20 20
node_size_min Minimum node size (when using proportional size) Integer between 2 and 20 2
attraction_force Force of attraction Number between 50 and 600 200
attraction_distance_max Maximum distance between nodes Number between 200 and 800 250
attraction_vertical Additional attraction towards the vertical axis Number between 0 (disabled) and 1 0
attraction_horizontal Additional attraction towards the horizontal axis Number between 0 (disabled) and 1 0
chronological_record_meta deprecated
record_metas List of metadata (present in the data source) to be included in the cosmoscope list
generate_id Set cosma record to always automatically create identifiers, never create them, or ask for each record always, never or ask always
link_context Display link context either inline or in a tooltip on hover inline, tooltip tooltip
hide_id_from_record_header When set to true, IDs are not shown in the record header in the cosmoscope. true or false false
title Cosmoscope title string
author Cosmoscope author string
description Cosmoscope description string
keywords Cosmoscope keywords list
keyword string
link_symbol String to be displayed in place of identifiers as link text for rendered internal links in cosmoscope string
csl Bibliographic style path (XML file)
bibliography Bibliographic data path (JSON file)
csl_locale Bibliographic location path (XML file)
css_custom CSS file for cosmoscope customization path (CSS file)
devtools Show development tools (only in GUI) true or false true
lang Cosmoscope language en (English) or fr (French) en

The background and highlight colors can be changed directly via the configuration file, but all colors and all interface elements can be changed using a custom CSS style sheet.

Applying a vertical/horizontal force tightens the graph. A value of 0.1 is enough to bring back isolated nodes closer to the center.

3.5 Configuration template

Here is the template used by Cosma to generate a configuration file:

select_origin: directory
files_origin: ''
nodes_origin: ''
links_origin: ''
nodes_online: ''
links_online: ''
images_origin: ''
export_target: ''
history: true
focus_max: 2
    fill: '#858585'
    stroke: '#858585'
    stroke: simple
    color: '#e1e1e1'
references_as_nodes: false
references_type_label: references
record_filters: []
graph_background_color: '#ffffff'
graph_highlight_color: '#ff6a6a'
graph_highlight_on_hover: true
graph_text_size: 10
graph_arrows: true
node_size_method: degree
node_size: 10
node_size_max: 20
node_size_min: 2
attraction_force: 200
attraction_distance_max: 250
attraction_vertical: 0
attraction_horizontal: 0
views: {}
record_metas: []
generate_id: always
link_context: tooltip
hide_id_from_record_header: false
title: ''
author: ''
description: ''
keywords: []
link_symbol: ''
csl: ''
bibliography: ''
csl_locale: ''
css_custom: ''
devtools: false
lang: en

4 Creating content: text files (Markdown)

When the data source is set on directory (Markdown file directory), the data must comply with the following rules:

The following subsections explain these rules in detail.

This combination of writing standards combines several textual cultures: documentation (enriching and indexing content with metadata); wikis (interrelating documents); index cards, Zettelkasten (organising one’s notes); academic writing with Pandoc (using plain text as a source for exporting in various formats).

Therefore, Cosma works particularly well when used in tandem with writing environments that also adopt this approach, such as Zettlr or the Foam extension for Visual Studio Code and VSCodium.

4.1 Metadata

In order to be correctly interpreted by Cosma, Markdown files (.md) must include a YAML header at the beginning of the file. This header is created automatically when you create a file via Cosma.


title: Title of the record
id: 20201209111625
- undefined
- mot-clé 1
- mot-clé 2

The YAML header is delimited at the top by three single dashes on a line (---) and at the bottom by either three single dashes on a line again (---) or by three single dots on a ligne (...).

In YAML, a field consists of a name and a value separated by a colon.

In accordance with the YAML specification, the list of keywords can be written in block mode:

- keyword 1
- keyword 2

Or in flow mode:

tags: [keyword 1, keyword 2]

Why a YAML header?

Some applications opt to recognize file metadata heuristically. For example, if the first line of the file is a level 1 heading, then it will be interpreted as the title of the file; if the second line contains words prefixed with a # pound sign, then they will be interpreted as keywords.

This method is not interoperable: each program has its own conventions, which limits the user’s ability to change tools.

Using a YAML header allows writers to declare different metadata explicitly and separately. This has the advantage of making the detection and manipulation of this metadata trivial, both by machines and humans. The use of a common format (such as YAML) increases the number of tools that can be used seamlessly with the same set of files. And widely used computer tools such as regular expressions and shell scripts allow people to convert their data themselves in a relatively simple way if needed.

4.1.1 Predefined metadata

Cosma recognises and uses the following fields:

Title of the record.
Unique identifier of the record. Must be a unique string. Cannot contain | or ]] (these character sequences are reserved for the link syntax; see next section). By default, Cosma generates 14-digit identifiers in the form of a timestamp (year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds). This is inspired by Zettelkasten note-taking applications such as The Archive and Zettlr.
type or types
Record types. A record can have more than one type. If the type field is not specified or its value does not match one of the types declared in the configuration, Cosma will interpret the type of the record as undefined.
Keywords assigned to the record. The value must be a list. A record can have as many keywords as you wish. You can use keywords instead of tags, for compatibility with Pandoc. If a record has a tags field and a keywords field, only the keywords declared in the tags field are interpreted by Cosma.
File name of an image to be used as thumbnail for this record in the cosmoscope (inside the corresponding node and at the top of the record pane).
Time metadata used for chronological mode.
Time metadata used for chronological mode.

4.1.2 User-defined metadata

Other metadata can be added freely in the YAML header. By default, Cosma ignores this metadata when creating a cosmoscope: it is not included in the HTML rendering of the records. In order for this metadata to be taken into account, it must be declared in the record_metas field of the configuration file.


record_metas: [author, date, lang]

4.2 Content

Cosma interprets files as being written in CommonMark, a strictly defined version of Markdown, a popular lightweight markup language.

The CommonMark tutorial teaches you the basics of Markdown in 10 minutes.

If you want to learn how to use Markdown and Pandoc together, check out this online lesson: Sustainable Authorship in Plain Text using Pandoc and Markdown.

Cosma renders Markdown files into HTML. Therefore, Markdown files can also include HTML code. Cosma also supports adding attributes by brackets, as shown below.

<div class="red">This paragraph will be red</div>

This paragraph will be red{.red}

Bitmap images can also be rendered using the Markdown syntax. Example:

![Alternative text](image.jpg)

To reduce the size of the cosmoscope, use images hosted on the web and included via a URL. Example:

![Alternative text](

4.4 Unique identifiers

Each record can have an optional unique identifier. If present, this identifier is used instead of the title as a target for links between records.

The identifier must be a unique string.

By default, when you create a record with cosma record, Cosma generates a 14-digit identifier in the form of a timestamp (year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds). This is inspired by Zettelkasten note-taking applications such as The Archive and Zettlr.

For each project, you can choose to generate identifiers always, never or on a case-by-case basis by setting the generate_id parameter in the project’s configuration.

We support title-based links but encourage the use of unique identifiers instead. We believe this is the easiest way to avoid link rot in a sustainable way, avoiding the reliance on a program to automatically maintain links. This is especially important if you wish to make your data less dependent on specific applications.

4.5 Creating records with Cosma

Cosma includes several commands that allow you to quickly create records with automatically generated YAML headers.

These commands only work when select_origin is set to directory (i.e. for Markdown files).

Creating files requires a configuration file with files_origin set to a valid path. This can either be a config.yml file in the current working directory, or a project indicated by adding the -p/--projects option.

4.6 record : create a record (“form” mode)

cosma record
cosma r
cosma record --project <name>

This command allows you to create a record in the manner of a form. Once the command is launched, the software prompts you for a title, one or several types, and one or several keywords. Only the title is required.

4.7 autorecord : create a record (“one-liner” mode)

cosma autorecord <title> <type> <keywords>
cosma a <title> <type> <keywords>
cosma autorecord <title> <type> <keywords> --project <name>

This command allows you to create a record with a single input. Only the title is required. If you enter multiple types or multiple keywords, separate them with commas (spaces after the comma are ignored). Example: type A, type B, keyword1, keyword2.

If generate_id is set to ask, use the -id/--generated-id flag to automatically generate an identifier when using autorecord.

4.8 batch : create a batch of records

cosma batch <path>
cosma b <path>
cosma batch <path> --project <name>

This command allows you to create several records at once. <path> corresponds to the location of a file in JSON or CSV format describing the records to be created. As with all other record creation modes, the title is mandatory and the other fields are optional.

Example of a JSON file containing two records:

    "title": "Title of the record"
    "title": "Paul Otlet",
    "type": ["Person", "History"],
    "metas": {
        "first name" : "Paul",
        "family name": "Otlet"
    "tags": ["documentation"],
    "begin" : "1868",
    "end" : "1944",
    "content": "Lorem...",
    "thumbnail" : "image.jpg",
    "references" : ["otlet1934"]

Example of a CSV file containing these same records:

Title of the file,,,,,,,,,,,
Paul Otlet,Lorem...,Person,History,Paul,Otlet,man,1868,1944,image.png,otlet1934

Batch record creation and identifiers

Cosma generates 14-digit identifiers in the form of a timestamp (year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds). This means you can manually create one record per second, or 86,400 records per day. Another way to phrase it is to say there is a range of 86,400 identifiers reserved for manual record creation each day. For example, on 15 January 2022, these identifiers range from 20220115000000 to 20220115235959.

To prevent generating duplicate identifiers, the batch creation mode generates identifiers by pseudo-timestamp. The first 8 digits, corresponding to the date (year, month, day), are real. Example: 20220115 (15 January 2022). On the other hand, those corresponding to the hours, minutes and seconds are false, generated outside of real time ranges. Example: 256495. As it is impossible to create a record manually at 25h 64min and 95s, there is no risk of generating duplicate identifiers by using both methods simultaneously.

Because of this operation, it is possible to create up to 913,599 records per day and per directory in batch mode before running out of identifiers.

In v2.1, batch generates buggy identifiers, with extra digits (more than the expected 14). This doesn’t affect projects with generate_id: never, for which batch correctly generates records without identifiers.

5 Creating content: tabular data (CSV)

Cosma can interpret tabular data contained in local or online CSV files. This is an alternative to using Markdown files.

Tabular data for Cosma must be contained in two files: one for nodes and one for links. The locations of these files must be specified in the configuration file.

You can generate CSV files with a spreadsheet program. In fact, it is precisely because online collaborative spreadsheet programs such as Google Sheets exist that we have added CSV support to Cosma: they provide a cheap and efficient way to set up collective knowledge work.

We offer a Google Sheets template for you to use as a guide. One sheet should be dedicated to nodes and another to links. Click on File › Share › Publish to Web. Select the sheet containing the nodes, then change the format from “Web Page” to “Comma Separated Values (.csv)”. Click “Publish” and copy the share link. Repeat the operation for the sheet containing the links (in our template, this is the “Extraction” sheet and not the “Links” sheet). Paste each link in the corresponding field of the project configuration.

The column headers of the CSV files must comply with the following rules.

5.1 Metadata for nodes

For nodes, only the title metadata is required.

name description
title Title (required)
id Unique identifier
type:<name> Record typology. Each typology contains one or more types. For example, one column may be called type:primary and contain types like person, work, institution; another column may be called type:secondary, with other types.
tag:<name> Keyword list
meta:<name> User-defined metadata
time:begin, time:end Metadata used by the chronological mode
content Textual content of the record
thumbnail File name of an image to include as a thumbnail in the record. Supported formats: JPG, PNG. The location of the image files must be specified via the images_origin parameter in the configuration file.
reference List of citation keys to include in the bibliography of the record.

6 modelize: creating a cosmoscope

cosma modelize
cosma m
cosma modelize --citeproc --custom-css

6.1 Generating a sample cosmoscope

cosma modelize --sample

This command generates a sample cosmoscope. This does not require a configuration file. The cosmoscope contains an excerpt from the Cosma user manual in hypertextual form.

6.2 Applying custom CSS

cosma modelize --custom-css

It is possible to customize the appearance of a cosmoscope via CSS. To do this, set the css_custom parameter from the configuration file to the path of a CSS stylesheet, then add the --custom-css flag when generating the cosmoscope.

In order to know which selectors to use for which CSS declaration, open the cosmoscope in a web browser and use the browser’s development tools to inspect the code, or consult Cosma’s source code, specifically /cosma-core/template.njk (for the cosmoscope’s HTML structure), /cosma-core/styles.css and /cosma-core/print.css (for the print styles enabled when printing a form).

The cosmoscope stylesheets use CSS variables to define the colors and fonts used. You can redefine these variables to change all the interface elements to which they apply. In the example below, the custom.css file contains declarations that change the fonts used in the cosmoscope:

:root {
  --sans: "IBM Plex Sans", sans-serif;
  --serif: "IBM Plex Serif", serif;
  --mono: "IBM Plex Mono", monospace;
  --condensed: 'Avenir Next Condensed', sans-serif;

6.3 Using a global configuration file

cosma modelize --project <name>
cosma m -p <name>

The -p/--project option applies the parameters of the name project.

6.4 Excluding records from the cosmoscope

It is possible to exclude certain records from being included in the cosmoscope based on the record_filters parameter. The value of this parameter must be a list whose elements can be types, keywords or specific values of user-defined metadata (declared in record_metas). Records whose header contains at least one element of the list are excluded when generating the cosmoscope.

  - meta: <type/tag/name of a user-defined metadata>
    value: <value of type/tag/metadata>

For each filter, the meta parameter takes as its value either type (record type), tag (keyword), or the name of a used-defined metadata (declared in record_metas). The value parameter takes as value the type, keyword or metadata value for which to exclude records.

Here is an example. Consider the following record:

title: Paul Otlet
type: person
group: authors
tags: [documentation, pacifism]

Paul Otlet (1868-1944) was a Belgian lawyer, bibliographer
and pacifist who is considered the founder of
modern documentation...

The group metadata can be declared via record_metas in the configuration file:

record_metas: [group]

This allows you to use the group metadata (in addition to the title and keywords) as a criterion for excluding certain records via record_filters. In the example below, all records containing group: authors and/or the keyword pacifism are excluded:

  - meta: group
    value: authors
  - meta: tag
    value: pacifism

6.5 History

By default, Cosma automatically copies each generated cosmoscope to a history directory. This can be disabled by setting history: false in the configuration file.

6.6 Errors and warnings

If Cosma encounters problems during the generation of a cosmoscope, it creates an error report in a reports subdirectory of the user data directory. If the latter does not exist, reports is placed in the Cosma installation directory.

7 Citations and bibliographies

Cosma includes automatic citation processing. This functionality is based on the same techniques as Zettlr: bibliographic data and styles use the Citation Style Language (CSL) standard, while the insertion of citations in the text is done with the Pandoc citation syntax.

7.1 Required files

To automatically process citations, Cosma requires three files:

Bibliographic data
File containing metadata describing bibliographic references. The required format is CSL JSON (extension .json).
Bibliographic style
File containing the formatting rules for citations and bibliographies. The required format is CSL (extension .csl). You can download style files from the Zotero CSL styles directory.
Bibliographic localization
File containing localized terms used in bibliographies (e.g. “publisher”, “issue”…). The required format is XML (extension .xml). You can download localization files from the CSL project GitHub repository.

In the data file, each reference must have a unique identifier (id) that serves as a citation key. Example:

    "publisher":"Cambridge University Press",
    "title":"The Domestication of the Savage Mind",

You can use the bibliographic reference manager Zotero with the Better BibTeX extension to create unique citation keys for each reference and have an automatically updated export of your library that Cosma can use.

7.2 Citation syntax

To cite a reference in a record, include the citation key for that reference using the Pandoc citation syntax.


On writing as a technology of the intellect [@goody1977, 46-52]...

7.3 Processing citations

cosma modelize --citeproc

When processing citations, each citation key is replaced with formatted text and a bibliography is generated below the body of each record containing references.


On writing as a technology of the intellect (Goody 1977, 46-52)…


GOODY, Jack, 1977. The Domestication of the Savage Mind.
  Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-21726-2.

The CSL JSON data matching the cited references is embedded in the cosmoscope. You can view and download this data in the cosmoscope by clicking on the “Data” button at the bottom of the left-hand side menu. You can also access it from within the cosmoscope source code, under the <article id="citation-references"> tag.

7.4 Treating references as graph nodes

When configuration setting citations_as_nodes is set to true, it modifies the behavior of the --citeproc option of cosma modelize, making it so that bibliographic references become nodes in the graph: each cited reference is treated as a node and each citation is treated as a link; for each cited reference, a bibliographic record is automatically generated in the cosmoscope; each bibliographic record is presented with contextualized backlinks which correspond to citations of that bibliographic reference in other records.

To use this feature, you must do three things:

  1. set citations_as_nodes to true in the project’s configuration;
  2. define a value for references_type_label (this is a new setting introduced alongside citations_as_nodes in this release);
  3. create a record type with the same name as the value for references_type_label.

For instance:

citations_as_nodes: true
references_type_label: "référence"
    stroke: "#6C6C6C"
    fill: "#6C6C6C"

8 Using the cosmoscope

8.1 Layout

The cosmoscope is organised in three columns:

Left side panel (Menu)
Displays exploratory features such as the index, search bar, filters, views and graph settings.
Central area (Graph)
Displays the graph and associated controls (zoom, focus).
Right side panel (Record)
Displays the records with a list of outgoing links (Links) and incoming links (Backlinks).

The panels can be hidden or shown by clicking on toggle buttons (respectively at the top left and top right of the cosmoscope).

8.2 Graph

The central area of the cosmoscope is an interactive graph of labelled nodes. Each node corresponds to a record; the label corresponds to the title of the record. The links correspond to the links established between the records via their identifiers.

Hovering over a node temporarily highlights it and its connections. Clicking on a node highlights it and its connections and opens the corresponding record. It also centers the graph view on that node. Press C to manually center on the selected node.

You can zoom in and out of the graph freely with a mouse or touchpad, by double-clicking on the graph background or with the dedicated buttons at the bottom left. The Reset button (shortcut: R) resets the zoom.

Nodes are organised in space by a force simulation algorithm. A coloured bar at the top of the Menu indicates the state of the drawing process (active or finished). Click on this bar (shortcut: Space) to start an additional simulation cycle. This does not reset the graph but re-runs the algorithm on the existing graph, improving its layout.

If you have a particularly tangled graph, pressing Space a few times will progressively untangle it.

The graph is not fixed: nodes can be moved by click and drag. However, the nodes and links remain permanently subject to the simulation, so it is not possible to arrange them manually. Modifying the records may change the arrangement of the nodes in space.

The way the graph is displayed can be changed temporarily via the controls under Graph settings in the Menu. To change the display permanently, change the default values of the corresponding settings in the configuration file.

Change the strength and maximum distance between nodes to adapt the display to your screen resolution and size. Add vertical/horizontal attraction to tighten the graph and bring isolated nodes closer to the center.

The graph can be displayed on all types of screens but is not optimised for mobile devices: touch does not give access to certain interactions such as hovering, and small screens greatly limit the usefulness of the graph.

8.3 Records

Records can be opened by clicking on a node, an index entry, a search engine suggestion, or a link in the body or footer of a record. Opening a record displays its contents in the right side panel.

You can go forward or backward with the browser’s Previous / Next functions. Opening a record adds the corresponding identifier at the end of the URL. This allows you to copy direct links to records.

To deselect a node, press the Esc key.

The links in the records are clickable. In a browser, you can open these links in a new tab via a right click. The title of the link (displayed in a tooltip after 1-2 seconds of hovering) is the title of the corresponding record.

At the bottom of each record is a list of outgoing links (section titled “Links”) and incoming links (section titled “Backlinks”). Links and backlinks are contextualised: they are presented with the surrounding paragraph in the source record. You can set link_context to inline instead of tooltip if you want the link context to be displayed at all times, instead of in a tooltip on hover.

Contextualised backlinks are one the most useful features in hypertext systems. It is famously absent from the Web. Many interrelated note-taking applications treat links as “first-class citizens”, and this includes contextualised backlinks. However, when these notes are shared on the Web, this feature is not always included, or it is only included in a paid plan. With Cosma, contextualised backlinks are part of the package, whether you’re the author of a cosmoscope working locally, or someone exploring a cosmoscope on the Web.

8.4 Focus mode

Activate Focus mode (shortcut: F) by ticking the “Focus” box at the bottom left of the graph. In Focus mode, only direct connections to the selected node are displayed in the interface. Focus mode only works if you have selected a record.

You can increase the maximum distance displayed in Focus mode with the slider located beneath the Focus button. The slider’s maximum value can be set through the focus_max parameter in the configuration file. A value of 1 means only the immediate connections will be displayed when in Focus mode. A value of 2 means you can extend the focus two connections of connections, and so on.

The focus level slider can be controlled with the arrow keys. You can combine shortcuts: F to activate Focus mode, then arrow keys to increase and decrease the focus level.

8.6 Filtering by record type

The list of record types in the Menu allows you to filter the display. Deselecting a type hides the corresponding records in the graph, index and search engine suggestions. Deselecting a type while holding down the Alt key hides the records of all the other types.

For a type to appear in this list, it must be declared in the configuration file and be assigned to at least one record.

8.7 Filtering by keywords

The list of keywords located in the left side panel allows you to filter the graph. Selecting a keyword filters the graph and the index to display only the records that contain this keyword. You can activate several keywords simultaneously. To deactivate a keyword, click again on the corresponding button.

For a keyword to appear, it must have been declared in the tags (or keywords) field of the YAML header of at least one record.

8.8 Index

The alphabetical index of records in the Menu allows you to select a record from a list rather than through the graph. Clicking on a title selects the corresponding node in the graph and opens the corresponding record. The index can be sorted in ascending or descending alphabetical order.

Record type filters, keywords and Focus mode all modify the display of the index. A record hidden by either of these features will not be accessible via the search engine. You can reset all these effects by clicking on the “Reset current view” button under Views in the Menu (shortcut: Alt + R).

8.9 View

The view is the state of the cosmoscope at any time (selected record, active filters, focus mode, etc.). The view can be reset by clicking the “Reset the view” button in the “View” section of the left panel. The view can also be saved by clicking “Set URL to current view” then copying the URL, which can be used as a bookmark to access that view directly.

9 Sharing and publishing a cosmoscope

A cosmoscope can be shared like any other computer file: email, file transfer, messaging, uploading to a server…

You can link directly to a record by adding its identifier preceded by a # pound sign at the end of the URL. Example:

10 Credits

10.1 Team

Cosma is designed by Arthur Perret and developed by Guillaume Brioudes.

The program was developed initially as part of the HyperOtlet research programme led by Bertrand Müller. Olivier Le Deuff came up with the name and Clément Borel created the logo.

Version 2.0 was funded through the Hyperhum@in research programme led by David Pucheu.

Updates to version 2.0 were developed with support from the AlgoJ research programme, with design suggestions by Olivier Le Deuff and Rayya Roumanos.

10.2 Dependencies

To improve the maintainability and readability of the source code, the development team uses the following libraries:

  • Zettlr/citr : 1.2.2
  • Citeproc : 2.4.62
  • Csv-parse : 5.3.0
  • D3 : 4.13.0
  • D3-array : 2.12.1
  • D3-scale : 3.3.0
  • Fuse.js : 6.6.2
  • Glob : 7.2.0
  • Graphology : 0.25.1
  • Graphology-traversal : 0.3.1
  • Hotkeys-js : 3.10.0
  • Markdown-it : 13.0.1
  • Markdown-it-attrs : 4.1.4
  • Nunjucks : 3.2.3
  • Slugify : 1.6.5
  • Yaml : 2.2.1
  • Babel/core : 7.20.5
  • Babel/preset-env : 7.20.2
  • Faker-js/faker : 7.5.0
  • Babel-loader : 9.1.0
  • Chai : 4.3.6
  • Chai-fs : 2.0.0
  • Cypress : 10.9.0
  • Mocha : 10.0.0
  • Prettier : 2.8.0
  • Webpack : 5.74.0
  • Webpack-cli : 4.10.0
  • Webpack-dev-server : 4.11.1